Carbon negative fuelCarbonNegativeFuel.comEnvironmentally friendly fuel formula for sale. Gasoline, Jet fuel, Diesel, Carbon negative ethanol Carbon neutral footprint, carbon negative footprint. 1x negative, 2x, 5x, 10x. high octane, low octane Demo available. Only serious inquiries Profits of this venture will be used to other solutions pro climate. Umweltfreundliche Kraftstoffformel zum Verkauf. Benzin, Düsentreibstoff, Diesel. CO2-neutraler Fußabdruck, CO2-negativer Fußabdruck. 1x negativ, 2x, 5x, 10x. hohe Oktanzahl, niedrige Oktanzahl Demo verfügbar. Nur ernsthafte Anfragen Die Gewinne dieses Vorhabens werden für andere Lösungen für das Klima verwendet. Formula de combustible ecologicamente amigable, en venta. Gasoilina, Jet Fuel, Diesel Combustible con footprint neutral o negativo. 1x negativo, 2x, 5x, 10x Alto octanaje, bajo octanaje Demostración disponible, Solo consultas serias. Los beneficios de esta venture se utilizarán para otras soluciones pro clima. Formule de carburant écologique à vendre Essence, carburéacteur, diesel. Empreinte carbone neutre, empreinte carbone négative. 1x négatif, 2x, 5x, 10x. indice d'octane élevé, faible indice d'octane Démo disponible. Seulement des enquêtes sérieuses. Les bénéfices de cette entreprise seront utilisés pour d'autres solutions pro climat. Get more information FAQ Yes, It is very possible Yes Not all current scenarios can work with electric engines While we get "all electric" we can go carbon neutral Studies confirm that we no longer have enough time to solve the global warming crisis with one solution and we need to go "all in" in all approaches: geothermal, solar, wind, tidal, carbon sequestration, carbon negative fuels are a very good option. An electric car produces zero emissions when running, but generates some emissions when being made, An ICE car using carbon negative fuel can not only take out the manufacturing carbon emissions, but take out more carbon than electric cars, so no, an ICE car using carbon negative fuel is actually more environmental friendlier than an all electric car. Its simple math. ![]() ![]() We are, 39 year experience providing custom solutions, complex problem solving, Available in 146 countries. Phone: 52 33 3109 4414 Whatsapp: 521 331 341 4060 / Message |